Walker & Accessories
Walkers & Accessories
Ohio Medicaid
- Standard walkers are generally covered if there is a medical condition that impairs ambulation and there is a potential for ambulation and there is a greater need for stability and security than provided by canes and crutches. Standard walkers include:
- Heavy Duty Walkers are generally covered for patients that are eligible for a standard walker and weight more than 300 lbs.
- Extra Heavy Duty Walkers for clients that weigh more than 650lbs.
- A heavy duty, multiple braking system, variable wheel resistance walker is covered for patients that are eligible for a standard walker and who are unable to use a standard walker due to a severe neurological disorder or other condition causing the restricted use of one hand.
- Wheeled walkers
- Documentation: A CMN is required. No Prior Authorization required. Replacement after 5 years.
Walkers may be covered if:
- The beneficiary has a mobility limitation that significantly impairs his/her abilities to participate in one or more Mobility Related Activities of Daily Living (MRADL’s) in the home (toileting, feeing, dressing, grooming and bathing). A mobility limitation is one that prevents one from accomplishing MRADLs, or causes a heightened risk of illness/injury or death secondary to the attempts to participate in MRADLs, or prevents one from completing MRADLs within a reasonable time frame. In addition, equipment may be covered if other conditions limit the ability to participate in MRADLs (e.g., impaired cognition or vision).
- The beneficiary/caregiver is able to use a walker safely.
- Documentation: Medical history notes documenting the coverage criteria.